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5 Signs You Need to Call Gas Service

Gas leaks can lead to a buildup of carbon monoxide (CO) in your home. CO is an odourless and colourless gas that can be deadly at high concentrations. Symptoms of CO poisoning can be flu-like and easily mistaken for other illnesses. Having working carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home is an essential first line of defence.

Here’s why you shouldn’t delay calling a professional plumber like J&J PLUMBING AND GAS SERVICES CANBERRA:

Rotten Egg Smell

Natural gas has no scent, but utility companies add a chemical with a distinctive sulphur or rotten egg smell for safety reasons. If you ever detect this odour in your home, take immediate action:

  1. Evacuate everyone from the house, including pets.
  2. Call your gas company right away from a safe location outside.

Don’t wait to see if the smell goes away. A gas leak can be serious, so act quickly to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Listen for a hissing Noise.

Small gas leaks might create a hissing sound as gas escapes the line. It’s like a tiny whoosh saying, “Hey, there’s a problem here!” If you hear any unusual hissing near gas lines or appliances, don’t ignore it. Here’s what to do:

  1. Turn off the gas supply to your home if it’s safe to do so (the valve is usually near the meter).
  2. Get everyone out, including pets.
  3. Call your gas company immediately from a safe location outside.

Remember, even a small leak can be serious. Play it safe and act quickly.

High Gas Bills

Don’t panic! First, let’s get a handle on your gas usage. Make a quick list of all your gas-powered appliances — stove, heater, water heater, you name it. This way, you can compare your usage to your bill.

If you notice a sudden jump or a steady climb that doesn’t match your usual gas consumption, it’s time to investigate. A hidden leak or aging gas lines could be the culprit. Here’s what to do next:

  1. Call in a pro: Have a licensed plumber or a canberra gas fitters inspect your lines for leaks or inefficiencies.
  2. Be a gas usage detective: While you wait for the professional, use your appliance list to see if you’ve unintentionally increased gas use. Maybe you’re cooking more at home or taking longer showers.

By taking these steps, you can identify the cause of your rising gas bill and take action to keep those costs under control.

Dead Plants

While a lack of sunshine or water can certainly harm plants, a sudden case of dead plants inside or outside your home could be a sign of a gas leak. Natural gas disrupts the oxygen supply in the soil, suffocating plant roots and causing them to die.

Here’s the thing: plants are like tiny environmental canaries. They can often show signs of a gas leak before you smell anything unusual. So, if your green friends are mysteriously dropping like flies, act!

Here’s what to do:

  1. Don’t ignore it! A gas leak can be serious. Evacuate your home immediately and call your gas company from a safe location outside.
  2. Consider other factors. While dead plants can be a sign of a gas leak, check for other potential causes like underwatering or lack of sunlight before assuming the worst.

Bubble Test

For future reference, here’s how the bubble test works:

This simple test can help identify leaks in gas lines, tires, and even propane tanks. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dish soap.
  • Water
  • Cloth or sponge

  1. Mix a little dish soap with a good amount of water.
  2. Turn off the gas supply to your home if it’s safe to do so (the valve is usually near the meter). Never perform this test with the gas on.
  3. Dip your cloth or sponge in the soapy water.
  4. Wipe down the suspected leak area on your gas lines or appliances.
  5. Look for bubbles forming. Bubbles indicate a gas leak!

Underground Gas Leak Signs:

If you see bubbles forming in wet areas around your foundation even without running the bubble test, it could be a sign of an underground gas leak. Other clues include:

  • Dirt being kicked up for no apparent reason.
  • Fog or mist forming near your foundation, especially on colder days.

Remember, even a small leak can be serious. If you suspect a gas leak, evacuate and call for help immediately.

Don’t Wait — Call J&J Plumbing and Gas

If you suspect a gas leak in your Canberra home, evacuate immediately and call J&J Plumbing and Gas Services Canberra from a safe location outside. We offer 24/7 emergency plumbers canberra and gas service to handle your situation quickly and efficiently.

Our licensed and experienced plumbers can diagnose and repair gas leaks safely and effectively. We understand the urgency of these situations and prioritize your safety and well-being.

Don’t wait until a small problem becomes a major one. Contact J&J Plumbing and Gas Services Canberra today for a gas leak inspection and peace of mind.